My brother in the backyard.
I'm not entirely sure where the term 'brother thomas' actually came from. Toby and I have lived with each other all our life, but out of home together in share houses for almost 3 years now. People tend to call us the bro-tos. I believe it orignally came from a guy's name whom our former housemates went to school with by the name of Joe Thomas. That was abreviated to Joto which, in turn, was converted into Broto to suit the Orchard brothers, being us. Broto is short for Brother Thomas. So there you go. Orchard trivia.
Nikon D200
28-80mm at 28mm
Vivitar 285hv at 1/1 to camera right into 43" reflective umbrella
Vivitar 285hv at 1/1 behind me with blue gel