These guys loved it. I marched up to them like I had a purpose, lifted my camera and pushed the shutter. I then lowered my camera, gave them a nod and said "how ya garn?!" and wandered away.
Okay not the sharpest photo ever but I still like how it came out. That's what this 365 thing is for anyway. Learning new things and experimenting. I've realised that next time I'm taking a candid photo I'll set my fstop to something considerably higher than f2 so both subjects in the photo are in focus. I'm excited to get a 200mm lens.
Nikon D200
35mm f2
In other news, I spent the entire day today down at the arts school with Tys editing the UTAS Ad after discovering that HDV footage captured on a mac can't be played back on PC. I hate cross platforming. Important thing is, we completed the entire thing in one day, even to the point of going to the post office and sending it off. Done. Now bring on the $5G.
I also had a run-in with an angry old man too after failing to pull out of a parking space when he stopped to let me out. Apparently that's an offence. The only reason I didn't pull out is because I was waiting for the four lanes of traffic to be free so I could merge over all of them at once in order to turn right at the next intersection. I love shutting people down two generations older than me who just can't seem to grasp that things might unfold differently to how they expect them to. This guy was so irate I didn't pull out that he slammed his expensive car into the parking space in front of me, mounting the curb and knocking his wheels severely out of alignment in the process. He was steaming red for some reason and approached me. Of course I shut him down completely with my wit and sent him about his boring day until he found someone else to have a go at. I believe he even called me a young fool. Apparently minding your own business makes you a fool. Better than being an old piece of shit I suppose. Also better than paying $200 for a wheel alignment.
Anyway that's it for today. I might take some more photos later on tonight. Here's a man having breakfast in his boat.

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