Thursday, August 27, 2009

Day Eighty One - Preggas?

I know I missed a few days. Actually it was more like six days. So here's three photos to make up for it. I'm back on track now. A photo per day. Maybe. Uni's getting pretty hectic and my schedule is packed. I'm working with Tys on a video job for a Tasmanian residential elevator company at the moment too. This involves going to a lot of rich, elderly people's homes and interviewing them. The view from their houses is worth it.

I'm pretty sure, kinda, that kitten is pregnant. She was on heat a few weeks ago and at the time escaped from my balcony. I found her outside a few hours later cowering under the BBQ with a rather large tabby cat meowing at her. I'm guessing this was after the deed had been done. I thought nothing of it at the time but people are now commenting that she's getting fat. Oops. I think her nipples may be larger too. I can't be one hundred percent certain as I'm not really one to regularly check my cat's nipple size. Sorry!

Nikon D200
35mm f2 at f2.8
Vivitar 285hv to camera left at 1/2 into semi collapsed 43" reflective umbrella

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